Section 3 - Require Sender Constrained Tokens

Issue #1284 resolved
Edmund Jay created an issue

Comments from TL regarding original Credential Provider spec:( #1268 ) and Comments from TL regarding for pull request #39 (

It seems the OP is required to issue an access token good to obtain credentials bound to arbitrary DIDs. This means that this access token is a very powerful credential. I think bearer tokens are not suitable in this case and recommend to make sender constrained access tokens (using mTLS or DPoP) mandatory.

Comments (7)

  1. Nat Sakimura

    On Nov. 16 call and in one of the previous call, callers pointed out that mandating sender constrained access token here is not a good idea as it would risk of being it ignored.

  2. Kristina Yasuda

    Alternative to mandating a sender-constrained Access Token like in PR #63 would be to prevent binding to arbitrary DIDs or arbitrary cryptographic material.

    We could pass a signature signed using a private key to which the user is requesting issued credential to be bound to as a proof. To prevent that proof from being replayed, we could pass that proof after receiving an access token and include hash of an access_token in that proof as a challenge.

    + I understand the importance from a security perspective, but I agree with the comment made during the Connect call that requiring mTLS and DPoP might be a high bar of a requirement that will scare implementor’s away

    (cc @Torsten Lodderstedt )

  3. Nat Sakimura

    The WG callers agreed on Dec 13/14 call if we are going to mandate sender constrained tokens, that probably should happen in the Core as Connect Core 1.1 or something with DPoP.

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