Make Aggregated Claims syntax optional for single source VC use cases

Issue #1306 new
Edmund Jay created an issue

Comments from KY and TL regarding for pull request #39

Kristina Yasuda 2021-07-21

What if an IdP is trying to obtain a VC only from one IA? Is it still expected to use Aggregated Claims syntax?

I think this requirement makes sense with the initial scope of Claims Aggregation draft, now that we are merging and are trying to accommodate VC-issuance flow, it makes more sense to make Aggregated Claims syntax mandatory for the original multi-claim-source use-case and make it optional for a one-source VC use-case?

Because, with normal OIDC claim, if there is only one Claim source, the solution would be to use the usual Connect flow with normal claim type, but for VCs with only one claims source, using the usual connect flow does not exactly work.

Torsten Lodderstedt 2021-07-24

I concur with Kristina. This made sense with the original scope of the document and shall be extended given the merge with credential issuance.

If the IdA is supposed to return cryptographically bound credential presentations, it must do so using OIDC4VP.

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