9.4.2 Claims endpoint response JWS 'sub' claim value set by request is problematic

Issue #1324 new
Edmund Jay created an issue

Comments from TL regarding for pull request #39


Torsten Lodderstedt 2021-07-24

I consider this highly problematic. It means the IA asserts a sub value it does not know since it was provided in the request. The sub should contain the sub value at the IA for the user / CC combination.

Comments (4)

  1. Tobias Looker

    I consider this highly problematic. It means the IA asserts a sub value it does not know since it was provided in the request

    I think the mitigation that would have to be present here to prevent several potential attacks is to require the sub value provided by the IA to the CA to be cryptographic in nature e.g a public key or a derivative of a public key like a thumbprint for which an accompanying proof of possession must also be provided.

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