is sub_jwk required or not if sub_type is "did"?

Issue #1332 resolved
Giuseppe De Marco created an issue

In we read

_Decentralized Identifier sub type. When this subject type is used, the sub value MUST be a DID defined in [DID-CORE], and sub_jwk MUST NOT be included in the Self-Issed OP response. The subject type MUST be cryptographicaly verified against the resolved DID Document as defined in Self-Issued OP Validati_on.

But in we read

When sub type is did, sub_jwk MUST contain a kid that is a DID URL referring to the verification method in the Self-Issued OP's DID Document that can be used to verify the JWS of the idtoken directly or indirectly. The sub_jwk value is a JSON object. Use of the sub_jwk Claim is NOT RECOMMENDED when the OP is not Self-Issued

excuse me in advance if it was my trivial misunderstanding of the text.

Comments (6)

  1. Kristina Yasuda

    The correct statement is

    When sub type is did, sub_jwk MUST NOT be included

    I will make sure this is corrected when we will be merging DW’s upcoming PR about resolvable subject identifiers

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