Clarify in OIDC4VP that purpose of sending back id_token and VP is different

Issue #1334 resolved
Kristina Yasuda created an issue

There have been questions “why return ID Token when it is signed by the same user-controlled key as a Verifiable Presentation (VP) and the two seems duplicative”.

Suggest adding a text to OIDC4VP that clarifies that there are two functions in OpenID Connect, 1/ authentication of the user and 2/ return of the claims about the user. ID Token server the first purpose as an authentication receipt and VP serves the second purpose as a proof of possession of a third party attested claims.

Comments (6)

  1. Michael Jones

    I agree with this perspective, as does Torsten, as discussed on the 9-Sep-21. Kristina agreed to write a PR to do this.

  2. Kristina Yasuda reporter

    I would say mDL would be a third party attested claim as it includes a signature of the Issuing Authority, even though mDL uses user device key as a user identifier.

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