add a text how SIOP can be used for authentication and claim presentation

Issue #1335 resolved
Kristina Yasuda created an issue

We discussed at Sept-02-2021 SIOP call that there are 3 applications of SIOP v2. Suggest we add this in the SIOP v2 introduction.

  1. To authenticate a user based on the self-attested signature
  2. To present self-asserted claims
  3. To present Third Party signed claims

I also summarized characteristics of such applications per same-device and cross-device flow that were discussed:

But per some feedback from the first implementers, I don’t think we have a consensus to put a language as strong as “usage of cross-device SIOP for authentication is not recommended“, nor per Stephane’s comment in Issue #1269 ( we have consensus to draw such a clear line between CD-SIOP and SM-SIOP.

Comments (5)

  1. Kristina Yasuda reporter

    I think we can resolve this issue since this has been addressed by updating the text of introduction, use-cases, scope sections in PR #68. Please let me know if it is not clear enough

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