clarify how formats are expressed in OIDC4VP

Issue #1337 resolved
Kristina Yasuda created an issue

Suggest we use jwt_vcjwt_vp and ldp_vcldp_vp as opposed to jwtor ldp to be able to express whether the format refers to VP or VC.


Comments (4)

  1. Kristina Yasuda reporter

    OIDC4VP already uses only add one sentence that jwt_vcjwt_vp and ldp_vcldp_vp. after current big OIDC4VP PRs are merged, add one sentence that jwtor ldp cannot be used as formats.

  2. Kristina Yasuda reporter

    I am a little confused…

    Does vp_formats supposed to communicate only supported VP formats? what is VC of an unsupported format is returned in a VP of a supported format? Does this mean vp_formats should also specify supported VC formats? Or should RP specify format of each requested VC using presentation_definition.input_descriptors.format?

  3. Torsten Lodderstedt

    I think we need both, formats for VCs and VPs.

    Either we follow PE and use a general term like “formats” and distinguish the artifacts using different values jwt_vc vs jwt_vp or we introduce distinct metadata parameters. For pragmatic reasons, I would suggest to follow PE.

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