Fix example in SIOP (remove for now?)

Issue #1351 resolved
David Waite created an issue

The example in SIOP needs to be updated for the other changes within the specification, as well as the signing algorithm should be changed to one we indicate support for. Ideally this gets moved to an appendix.

I propose deleting for now and adding as we get closer to release.

Comments (7)

  1. Michael Jones

    As discussed during the 1-Nov-21 working group call, we should fix the examples, rather than deleting them.

  2. Kristina Yasuda

    I am not sure which examples were requested to be deleted.

    I update the examples in PR #83, please review.

    For clarity, below is the list of examples illustrating various combinations of registration and discovery:

    • request not intended for a specific `authorization_endpoint`, which must be scanned by the Self-Issued OP application manually opened by the End-user instead of an arbitrary camera application on a user-device (openid:)
    • a same-device request when the RP is pre-registered with the Self-Issued OP (universal link)
    • an **unsigned** same-device request when the RP is not pre-registered with the Self-Issued OP (universal link)
    • a **signed** same-device request when the RP is not pre-registered with the Self-Issued OP and uses OpenID Federation 1.0 Automatic Registration (universal link)
    • a **signed** cross-device request when the RP is not pre-registered with the Self-Issued OP and uses Decentralized Identifier Resolution (openid)

  3. Kristina Yasuda

    we may want to add more req-res pairs in annex as examples, but current updated set up examples should make a lot of the text clearer

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