Use-case for encrypted request/ encrypted id_token hint in SIOP?

Issue #1352 resolved
Kristina Yasuda created an issue

Looking for a use-case for encrypted request/ encrypted id_token hint in SIOP?

Comments (2)

  1. Kyle Den Hartog Account Deactivated

    Could encrypted request/ id_tokens be used to extend SIOP for asynchronous cross device flows? Essentially what I’m thinking about here is that the encrypted structure of an id_token is close enough to DIDComm that you may be able to lean on the DIDComm routing methodology to embed an encrypted SIOP request/id_tokens to enable asynchronous flows with SIOP.

  2. David Waite

    This was addressed by merged language describing how to use id_token_hint in a SIOP context when the id_token from the SIOP was encrypted in a previous response

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