"Self-Issued OP" or "SIOP"?

Issue #1355 resolved
Kristina Yasuda created an issue

Me and Mike has made a choice in the beginning of the spec editing to use a term "Self-Issued OP" instead of abbreviating is to "SIOP". However, it looks like SIOP has become a convention and it would make a spec text easier if we modified the reference from "Self-Issued OP" to "SIOP"?

Comments (7)

  1. Giuseppe De Marco

    "Self-Issued OP" is explicit and I believe that explicit is better than implicit

    +1 for "Self-Issued OP"

  2. Kyle Den Hartog Account Deactivated

    +1 for “Self-Issued OP”. I consistently find myself wanting to say SIOP OP only to realize I’m being redundant and the updated text solves that.

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