SIOP request, parameters state and nonce

Issue #1356 resolved
Christina Bauer created an issue

As of now the state parameter (RECOMMENDED by OpenID Core Section is missing in the request parameters.

I suggest either

  • adding it to the request parameter list or
  • making explicit that the parameter merely an extension of the parameters given for the OpenID Core Implicit Flow.

Similarly, nonce (REQUIRED for the Implicit Flow) is not listed. The current hint “Since it is an Implicit Flow response, nonce Claim MUST be present.“ seems confusing to me, since a nonce PARAMETER is required, and this might lead to confusion with the claims parameter.

Comments (6)

  1. Kristina Yasuda

    re nonce, below is the latest text:

    RPs MUST send a `nonce` parameter with every Self-Issued OP Authentication Request as a basis for replay detection complying with the security considerations given in [@!OpenID.Core], Section 15.5.2.

    re state, it is optional and up to the implementations, because for example in cross-device flow, there is no state to maintain between the request and the callback… I could add the language to clarify this.

  2. Christina Bauer reporter

    Thank you for clarifying this.

    re state, I am not sure if the parameter is needed for SIOP since there are no codes / access tokens (and ID tokens are protected from replay with the nonce), and the CSRF protection for the redirection endpoint with the state might not be a concern in SIOP. So, unless I am mistaken, the current language is probably fine.

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