Basic - 3.2.3. What **openid** scope request.

Issue #136 resolved
hideki nara created an issue

In draft 13:

"... The openid scope grants the RP access to the user identifier of the authenticated user of the session. ...."

This looks that if I specify openid in scope parameter, id_token will be returned. How about UserInfo ?

Comments (4)

  1. John Bradley

    Yes If you specify only openid as the scope you get back the id_token containing the userid and other session information. You get back an access token that will not give you any information other than the userid from the user-info endpoint.

  2. hideki nara reporter

    Thank you. I got it.

    But Basic requires that `return_type` MUST include "access_token id_token" with "openid" included in `scope`. That means that RP get access rights to user's identifier and user's profile data.

    I know this is just another wording thing.

  3. hideki nara reporter

    Otherwise, can End User reject returning access_token but return only id_token when he/she is consented at OP after authentication ?

  4. John Bradley

    Yes the user can decline access to the user-info endpoint.

    The client would still get a token, but it would only be good to get the user ID from the endpoint. The OP can also return an error.

    Profile data is optional.

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