Make presentation submission optional

Issue #1364 closed
David W Chadwick created an issue

Presentation Submission should be optional. The RP sends its VC requirements to the SIOP, and the SIOP responds with a VP. The RP is perfectly capable of determining whether the VP matches its requirements. The SIOP may help the RP by returning Presentation Submission as a hint, but it should only be treated as a hint i.e. if it is missing, or if it is wrong, it should not be a reason for the RP to reject the VP.

Comments (5)

  1. David W Chadwick reporter

    This has been discussed extensively in DIF PE and the majority agree that it should be present, except for the case where only one VC is being requested. In this case the PS is not needed because it is obvious to the RP that the returned VP matches the one and only input descriptor.

  2. Kristina Yasuda

    We have agreed to make presentation_submission a requirement for interoperability purposes. However, the wallet has a choice where to include a presentation_submission: in the VP, or outside it. i.e. presentation_submission is conditional, but not optional

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