Trust Negotiation Request and Response

Issue #1384 resolved
Giuseppe De Marco created an issue

As defined here, an entity MAY use the trust negotiation operation to fetch resolved metadata about itself as seen/trusted by a remote peer.

I wish to extend the release of resolved metadata also for members who do not represent the subject of the requested metadata.

Trust negotiation would be a useful metadata (and trust) resolution service optionally provided within a federation by one or more intermediaries or trust anchors.

Comments (13)

  1. Roland Hedberg

    The text says “An entity MAY use the trust negotiation operation to fetch
    resolved metadata about itself as seen/trusted by a remote peer.”

    But in fact there is nothing that prevents anyone from asking for the resolved metadata about an entity disregarding who the consumer would be.

    So, I would say that this is already supported and that the text is just one example on when this could be used, not the only one.

  2. Giuseppe De Marco reporter

    Can we consider to improve the text for a better reading, that disambifies questions and doubts similar to those expounded in my issue?

  3. Michael Jones
    • changed status to open

    As discussed on the 10-Jan-22 call, we're in favor of the clarifications proposed but not the change to return metadata not about the subject. Currently, it's clear what the metadata returned is about. If we also returned metadata about other subjects, this would introduce ambiguities and potential duplications that otherwise could not occur.

  4. Giuseppe De Marco reporter

    Can we suggest to add another endpoint to have this feature?

    A RP can fetch a consolidated metadata related to an OP (and viceversa) from a trusted member (intermediary or trust anchor) that builds the trust chain for the requested subject.

    All the members in a OIDC federation must support the dynamic trust chain method and endpoints, this endpoint would be entirely optional and for debug purpose

  5. Giuseppe De Marco reporter

    In Trust Negotiation Response we have a “metadata statement“ and this doesn’t contain trust marks.
    I suggest instead to have an entity statement with trust marks inside.

  6. Giuseppe De Marco reporter

    Regarding having trust marks in Trust Negotiation Response

    Solution A

    We could move trust_marks claim inside the metadata object.

    In this way we’ll have trust marks even from trust negotiation responses

      "iss": "",
      "sub": "",
      "iat": 1516239022,
      "exp": 1516298022,
      "metadata": {
          "openid_relying_party": {
          "application_type": "web",
          "trust_marks": [
             {"id": "",

    Solution B

    following some comments pointed out by Roland we could also consider to have a json object with two entries, trust marks and metadata, like this

    200 OK
    Last-Modified: Wed, 22 Jul 2018 19:15:56 GMT
    Content-Type: application/json
        "trust_marks": [
          {"id": "",
        "metadata": {
          "organization_name": "University of Umea",
          "contacts": [
          "token_endpoint": "",
          "response_types_supported": [
            "code id_token",
          "grant_types_supported": [
          "subject_types_supported": [
          "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [
          "issuer": "",
          "jwks_uri": ""

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