SIOPv2 - Clause 5 - Para 1 - Last sentence: "The ID Token MAY include claims about the End-User."

Issue #1406 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

ID Tokens always include claims about the End-User. All of the following are REQUIRED claim in ID Token.

  • iss
  • sub
  • aud
  • exp
  • iat

ID Token can obviously include other claims as well. So, I am not sure why this normative MAY is here. It probably just suffice to note that it is possible to include other claims, including ecosystem defined claims, in the ID Token and just refer Section 2 of OIDC Core.

Comments (6)

  1. David W Chadwick

    the sub claim is in the list of standard claims and is in the id-token. thus id-tokens always contain at least one standard claim about the end user. Therefore MAY is wrong.

  2. Michael Jones

    David is technically correct that sub is a claim about the End-User but as the terms “claims about the Authentication event” and "claims about the End-User” are used in OpenID Connect Core, sub is in the group of claims about the Authentication event. For security reasons, it's required to appear in both the ID Token and the UserInfo response.

    The current wording is consistent with OpenID Connect Core. If we want to be pedantic, we could change the wording to “The ID Token always includes claims about the Authentication event and MAY also include additional claims about the End-User“.

  3. David W Chadwick

    Yes I think it would be good to be pedantic and use the revised wording. It clarifies any misunderstanding that could be generated by the original wording (as this issue has revealed).

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