Clause 6 - Limiting to QR Code?

Issue #1410 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

Clause 6 and later text seem to confine the cross-device communication to be dependent on QR code.

Technically, it does not have to. It could equally be done through other mechanisms. Is this limitation intentional? If not, it might be worthwhile to generalize it a bit and cite QR codes as an example implementation instead.

Comments (7)

  1. Giuseppe De Marco

    I agree

    the interchange between devices should be avulse from the transport technology in use. Ideally also a link sent by email, if properly verified as sent by a recognizable party recognizable as trusted and authoritative, should be processed by the wallet. Then bluetooth, nfc and so on, them all may be allowed

  2. Thomas Bellebaum

    I think we had a similar discussion in another issue. Does anyone remember where that was?

  3. Kristina Yasuda

    Editors believe this is an editorial issue and does not change normative language. PR will be created to be merged before official Implementer’s draft voting period begins on Feb 1st.

  4. Stephane Durand

    I think we had a similar discussion in another issue. Does anyone remember where that was?

    You are probably thinking about comments in PR 68

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