specify how ekyc-ida syntax can be used with Verifiable Credentials

Issue #1411 closed
Kristina Yasuda created an issue

Being able to express how the Issuer verified user claims when issuing a verifiable credential would be an important enhancement.

This might be out of scope for OIDC4VCI specification but it would be good to clarify where this work should happen. and this might also be relevant for OIDC4VP.

Comments (6)

  1. Kristina Yasuda reporter

    Discussed with Mark Haine and Giuseppe. The gap in VC is the lack of a way to express claims metadata. there might be two options;

    1. use `verification` container defined in Section 5.1 of ekyc-ida
    2. Split out JSON schema for `verification` container, and refer to it in another schema

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