Credential issuance with PKCE or without?

Issue #1427 resolved
Daniel Fett created an issue

The credential issuance draft currently does not specify whether PKCE is to be used or not. Since PKCE is often expected in modern OAuth profiles, this should be discussed.

Comments (4)

  1. Michael Jones
    • changed status to open

    During the 3-Feb-22 SIOP Special Topic Call, these points were discussed:

    • Mike noted that Connect Core flows don't use PKCE and requiring it would be a breaking change.
    • OAuth 2.1 explicitly does not require PKCE when OpenID Connect is used.
    • Torsten said that FAPI requires PKCE.
  2. Michael Jones

    Code injection is already prevented in OpenID Connect by including the c_hash in the ID Token.

    Separately, all of us should be reviewing OAuth 2.1 to ensure that it does not require any breaking changes to OpenID Connect deployments. To the extent that it does (or could be construed to do so), we need to strongly push back in a united manner until the proposed breaking changes are removed from the draft.

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