[oidc4vci] Consider addressing VP as input to OIDC flow as an extension flow

Issue #1444 resolved
Tobias Looker created an issue

Currently the spec defines a way to submit VC/VP’s as an input to the issuance flow which supports a variety of more complex use cases. In the pursuit of simplifying the current draft I would suggest removing this for now and adding it later via an extension

Comments (3)

  1. Kristina Yasuda

    I am ok with the deletion as long as there is a note that indicates that there is an intent to pursue this use-case later

  2. Kristina Yasuda

    closing since the spec text that defined the part in question has been removed and we only say in the use-cases that it is possible:

    Wallet Initiated Issuance during Presentation (requires presentation of additional Credentials during issuance) {#use-case-2}

    A user comes across a verifier app that is requesting the user to present a Credential, e.g., a university diploma. The Wallet determines the requested Credential type(s) from the Credential presentation request and notifies the user that there is currently no matching Credential in the Wallet. The Wallet than offers the user a list of issuers, which might be based on an issuer list curated by the Wallet provider. The user picks the university she graduated from and is sent to that university's user experience (web site or app).

    The user logs in to the university, who determines that the respective user account is not verified yet. Among multiple identification options, the user chooses to present identity Credential from her Wallet. The user is sent back to the Wallet where she consents to sharing requested Credential(s) to the university. The user is sent back to the university user experience. Based on the presented Credential, the university completes the user verification, looks up user data in its database, and offers to issue a diploma as a verifiable Credential.

    Upon providing consent, the user is sent back to the Wallet. The Wallet informs the user Credential was successfully issued into the Wallet and is ready to be presented to the verifier app that originally requested presentation of that Credential.

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