[Federation] OP Metadata should have at least one of jwks of signed_jwks_uri as REQUIRED

Issue #1505 resolved
Giuseppe De Marco created an issue

in 4.2. OP Metadata we have

OPTIONAL. A URI pointing to a signed JWT having the  ...

OPTIONAL. JSON Web Key Set document, passed by value ...

we should say that signed_jwks_uri is REQUIRED if jwks is absent and vice versa.

it would be “REQUIRED if jwks is absent.“ and “REQUIRED if jwks is absent.“ is there any suggestion for a better definition?

Comments (3)

  1. Roland Hedberg

    In https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-registration-1_0.html

    Under jwks it says among other things:

    “If a Client can use jwks_uri, it MUST NOT use jwks.” and

    “The jwks_uri and jwks parameters MUST NOT be used together.”

    We could use the same wording. Substituting jwks_uri with signed_jwks_uri .

    Interesting enough it nowhere says you MUST have one or the other. Only using symmetric key crypto works if you use explicit client registration where the OP returns a client_secret. It doesn’t work for automatic client registration.

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