[Metadata] general definition of Federation metadata claims for all the entity types

Issue #1547 resolved
Giuseppe De Marco created an issue

In OIDC Federation for the metadata of RP and OP we have these additional claims

  • organization_name
  • jwks
  • signed_jwks_uri

and also for OP only:

  • client_registration_types_supported
  • federation_registration_endpoint
  • request_authentication_methods_supported
  • request_authentication_signing_alg_values_supported

We may define these metadata claim also for Federation’s ASs, RSs and Clients.
The claims of the first group can be defined using a general text in the section “4. Metadata” because there are universal.
The second group should be defined for the AS

Comments (2)

  1. Michael Jones
    • changed status to open

    We could group metadata claims applicable to multiple kinds of entity types together as an editorial action. But if we do this, we should be clear that metadata claims such as jwks, etc. that are applicable to OpenID Connect entity types might not be applicable to other entity types, such as SAML SP, etc.

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