Use of scope values to request credential presentation

Issue #1555 resolved
Torsten Lodderstedt created an issue

The current proposal derives a credential to be issued or to be presented from a scope value, e.g. openid_presentation:<credential_type>. That has turned out to result in complex logic and might cause issues with the way scope are implemented in existing products and potentially name clashes.

I suggest to change the approach as follows: deployments, ecosystems, or standards can define scope values that map to requests for credential presentation. The spec does not take a stance on the structure of those scope values and how the definition of the mapping is done. For example, that can be done in normative text (like OpenID Connect does for default claims sets) or use some kind of machine readable definition (e.g. a scope value is defined by an equivalent presentation_definition object).

Note: a similar change for issuance is captured in issue #1517.

Comments (7)

  1. Torsten Lodderstedt reporter

    Issue #1517 is about global uniqueness of scopes. This issue is about a different approach to use scope. And it is not limited to issuance. It covers both issuance and presentation with a uniform approach.

  2. Torsten Lodderstedt reporter

    Merged the issuance related changes into PR #238 and removed them from PR #239. This gives us one PR for Issuance and Scope and another one for Presentation and Scopes.

  3. Torsten Lodderstedt reporter

    Changed this issue to be related to credential presentation only. We now have:

    Issuance: issue #1517 & PR #238

    Presentation: issue 1555 and PR #239

    Hope that resolves all confusion 😉

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