[Federation] Complete reviews

Issue #1565 closed
Giuseppe De Marco created an issue

OIDC Fed specs from DRAFT 17 to date lived many changes, additional features and new concepts like the Entity Configuration, finally decoupled from Entity Statement (two different endpoint, two different responses, two different names).

Generally we know that we can improve the readers experience with a general restructure of the introduction, the overall architecture and also some effort could we also be spent to merge some sparse elements in autoconsistent sections, eg: the trust chain is actually divided in two different sections (3.2 and 8.x) and this costs text repetitions and a consisten effort to the readers.

more like an issue this is a concrete milestone, many PRs will follows untill this issue will be closed :)

Comments (7)

  1. Giuseppe De Marco reporter

    @Roland Hedberg following what discussed during TNC22 you expressed the intention of a rewrite of some/several parts, would you like to show which part you think it should be rephrased/improved/rewritten?

    We may start from some proposal here before doing atomic PRs

  2. Giuseppe De Marco reporter

    As decided in the editor call on 19-Aug-22, we want many people to read the specs and suggest improvements or fixes

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