Rename Initiation issuance Request to..? Credential Offer?

Issue #1570 resolved
Kristina Yasuda created an issue

it initiate issuance “request is really about the requestor trying to inform the receiving party about a particular provider, and the receiving party usually performs discovery on the back of this to learn more therefore i’d suggest openid://credential-discovery? OR openid://credential-offer?

Per comment openid / connect / Pull Request #226: change to openid://initiate-issuance: — Bitbucket

Comments (7)

  1. Kristina Yasuda reporter

    also in light of the recent issues filed by Nat on terminology (one is #1617, though there are several), I actually really like “Credential Offer” over “Issuance Initiation”. (cc @Tobias Looker )

    Issuer offers to issue a credential, but it’s up to the wallet’s discretion to actually start the issuance flow :)

  2. Michael Jones

    As discussed on the 10-Nov-22 SIOP special topic call, this is really a request for a request. It would be good if the name gave readers that intuition.

  3. Kristina Yasuda reporter
    • changed status to open

    there seems to be an agreement that IIR should be renamed; please put comments if you are ok with "credential offer" or please make a concrete alternative proposal

  4. Michael Jones

    I don’t like “Credential Offer” because it’s not an offer of information. It’s a request for a request. How about “Request for Issuance Request”?

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