Inline examples

Issue #1574 resolved
David W Chadwick created an issue

The current method of putting examples in a different directory makes it very difficult to read the .md text and examples and check that they are both consistent with each other. Can we ask the editor to copy all the examples into the body of the text to enable proof reading to be completed more easily.

Comments (8)

  1. Mark Haine

    Should be able to clone and build the html on demand using the docker command in the (at least for credential issuance) Unfortunately the command in the README has an incorrect filename. The command should be…

    docker run -v `pwd`:/data danielfett/markdown2rfc

    It might also be quite useful to have the each snapshot auto build for those members of the group who don’t have a docker environment to work with. The eKYC&IDA repo has that already operating…

  2. David W Chadwick reporter

    @Mark I tried the docker command you gave me and got a no such file error

    davidchadwick@DavidsMBPRetina connect % docker run -v pwd:/data danielfett/markdown2rfc
    Unable to find image 'danielfett/markdown2rfc:latest' locally
    latest: Pulling from danielfett/markdown2rfc
    68ced04f60ab: Pull complete
    d1d516f83cca: Pull complete
    1c69061f55c9: Pull complete
    cb02ba23f0ac: Pull complete
    b1ed9df08170: Pull complete
    0b9fc8520bb7: Pull complete
    11af64e82fbb: Pull complete
    a1283f980933: Pull complete
    b4503901ce48: Pull complete
    97251e9a8ad2: Pull complete
    Digest: sha256:a107b0a45899a34bb7928ca2879dc6c4743f9b1b822ba559bba707b6fa663bf5
    Status: Downloaded newer image for danielfett/markdown2rfc:latest
    grep: No such file or directory
    2022/07/22 15:18:47 Couldn't open "": "open no such file or directory"
    Error: Unable to parse the XML document: ./.xml
    davidchadwick@DavidsMBPRetina connect %

  3. Kristina Yasuda

    There is now a pipeline that compiles the markdown file into an html file with every commit done for an unmerged PR.
    To check out an html for a PR you are trying to review,

    1. please go to the PR and click pipelines on the right hand side.

    2. Go to Artifacts section (like here) and click html, it will download a tar.gz file which you will have to unzip, but after that you will have an html :)

  4. Kristina Yasuda
    • changed status to open

    pending close - will close in a week if no major issues/questions with the new mechanisms that generates html files that can be used to easily review the PRs.

    will probably try update the script to publish an html to, so that reviewers don't have to download html files, but probably after the rounds of the implementers drafts :)

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