[GAIN PoC] SAML2 Metadata

Issue #1582 closed
Giuseppe De Marco created an issue

A. How to expose a SAML2 metadata in an Entity Configuration?

1. convert XML to JSON (please don’t!)
2. use an url that points to the signed SAML2 metadata
3. include it as an escaped string
4. include it a base64-urlsafe string

B. How to apply metadata policy to a SAML2 Metadata?

1. adopts the policy operators as they are defined for json, the values even with nested nodes will works as expected
2. …

Comments (2)

  1. Michael Jones
    • changed status to open

    As discussed in the 12-Aug-22 Federation editor's call, while we left the door open for other kinds of metadata to be defined, we believe that communities needing them should be the ones to define them. As such, doing this work in the Federation spec is out of scope.

    We propose to close this in a week unless there is opposition to doing so by then.

  2. Michael Jones

    Closing, per last week's decision. John did discuss this with Internet2 people and invited their participation in creating SAML2 metadata, should they want to do so.

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