[has-PR] Define which object should be returned for `mdl_iso_cbor`

Issue #1612 resolved
Oliver Terbu created an issue

ISO 18013-5 does not define a CDDL for mdoc or mdl. We should define which object we return in the credential response for mdl_iso_cbor. One candidate is the Document object from ISO 18013-5 but without deviceSigned. The ISO spec describes the CDDL for Document.

Comments (8)

  1. Kristina Yasuda

    to add a little more context.

    ISO 18013-5 specifies that wallet app has to send the following to the Verifier during the presentation (SD-JWT style selective disclosure is mandatory in ISO 18013-5):

    • IssuerAuth - an object signed by the issuer that contains digests of all data elements disclosed (equivalent to SD-JWT in sd-jwt IETF draft)
    • IssuerSigned - an object that contains actual values of the data elements disclosed (equivalent to SVC in sd-jwt IETF draft)
    • DeviceSigned - an object signed by the wallet’s/holder’s key (holder binding is mandatory)

    All these three items are returned inside a Document object.

    The options of what to return during issuance are:

    1. only IssuerSigned
    2. entire Document object with DeviceSigned as Null (or inexistent)

    I think I prefer the first option for cleanness?

  2. Oliver Terbu reporter

    Yes, I would also prefer option 1. In that case we could just refer to the normative definition in ISO 18013-5 of IssuerSigned without additional requirements.

  3. Kristina Yasuda

    I think that this should be addressed in ISO profile of this spec, because it is very ISO specific. pending close.

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