native sso: id_token validation?

Issue #1637 resolved
Joseph Heenan created an issue does not seem to include any requirement to validate the id_token, e.g. the signature?

I think that means if I have the device_secret & id_token for one session, and an id_token for another session I want to attack, I can:

  1. edit the second id_token to include ds_hash for the first session
  2. exchange the device_secret and modified id_token for an access token for the second session

Comments (7)

  1. gffletch

    Adding the following step in that section…

    “Verify the id_token for integrity protection by validating the signature of the id_token JWT.”

    Recommendations for text suggestions gladly accepted

  2. gffletch

    Note that this is a normative change from the spec perspective though hopefully implementations where doing this already

  3. Joseph Heenan reporter

    I was certainly hoping they were already doing it :-)

    I have a nagging feeling there should be slightly more validation, but I’m not sure exactly what. Probably it feels like there should be something that stops a valid client using a device_secret and id_token not intended for it, but I’m not sure how to achieve that.

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