Abstract of the Initiating User Registration specification

Issue #1647 resolved
Andrii Deinega created an issue

Abstract of for the Initiating User Registration specification (draft 05) tells us that

An extension to the OpenID Connect Authentication Framework defining a new value for the prompt parameter that instructs the OpenID Provider to start the user flow with user registration and after the user account has been created return an authorization code to the client to complete the authentication flow.

The Implicit Flow according to the OpenID Connect Core specification doesn’t include a step with the authorization code, or in other words, doesn’t rely on it (this flow returns an ID Token or an ID Token + an AT).

I suggest omitting or changing the text in a way to reflect that.

Comments (7)

  1. Andrii Deinega reporter

    As one of the implementers, I would like to add that user registration flow should be considered as completed only after a client gets an ID Token or an ID Token + an AT. Otherwise, there is too much room to abuse an OP in the way I see it.

  2. Michael Jones
    • changed status to open

    We discussed this during the 26-Sep-22 working group call. We agree with Andrii that the wording should not presume that a flow using an authorization code will be used. That, or if this is only intended to be used with certain flows, then that should be clearly stated in the specification.

  3. gffletch

    How does this text work as an update?

    An extension to the OpenID Connect Authentication Framework defining a new value for the prompt parameter that instructs the OpenID Provider to start the user flow with user registration and after the user account has been created return the requested tokens to the client to complete the authentication flow.

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