Tracking Implementation of VP Spec

Issue #1652 closed
Nat Sakimura created an issue

Hi. Is there a list of the implementations of the following?

  • Verifiable Presentation

If not, let this ticket as the registry.

Entry template

  • Name:
  • Author:
  • Repository:
  • Supported specs: VP version:
  • Interoperable implementations:

Implementations probably is going to be SIOPv2 or some other kind of Wallet.

Comments (10)

  1. David W Chadwick

    We have started a list of implementation endpoints for people to test against. Currently only for VCI (pre-authz flow), but later this month VP will also be added. See

  2. Nat Sakimura reporter

    Thanks, David.

    Since I am not getting much response, and I probably should have it per spec., I will split it into three issues in three components.

  3. Kristina Yasuda

    marking pending close. This issue has not really been updated and issue is probably not the best place to to that anyway. I suggest let’s track implementations in the public space as we already do and add a line that if any wants to be added, they should post to the openid ML and/or reach out to the editors.

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