provide guidance when the values in IIR does not match with the values in the Issuer metadata.

Issue #1678 resolved
Kristina Yasuda created an issue

what if format and credential type in the IIR (issuance initiation request) do not exactly match the values in the metadata? ie three credential types in the metadata instead of two in the IIR?

Does the wallet request using the information in the IIR, based on the information in the metadata, or is it the issuer (potentially via a user interface) decides?

Comments (3)

  1. David W Chadwick

    An issuer may have a whole raft of VCs that it issues to its various clients. So its metadata could contain a large number of credential definitions. However, when one particular user logs into the issuer and is sent the IIIR to its wallet, this may naturally be a subset of the information in the issuer’s metadata. So I would suggest that as long as the IIR contains a subset of the issuer’s metadata, then this is perfectly acceptable. The IIR must take precedence because it is tailored to the specific user. However if the IIR is an intersection of the metadata then clearly the issuer has a problem as it is saying conflicting things. I suggest that the wallet assumes the IIR is correct and proceeds. And then a 400 or 500 error may eventually be received by the wallet if the IIR was in error.

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