Returning large credentials

Issue #1685 resolved
David W Chadwick created an issue

Some credentials may be very large e.g. those with embedded images. The OIDC4VPs spec specifies the new response mode post for the cross device flow. This will allow any size of credential to be returned. However the same device flow uses http re-directs, and this may limit the size of credential that can be returned. How might this be addressed?

One solution could be to allow the new response mode post to be applicable to the same device flow as well.

Comments (5)

  1. Kristina Yasuda

    SIOP Oct-20-2022 call

    Torsten agreed to apply post to same-device.

    DW said one security concern was that some endpoints have protections that allow redirects only from the Web.

    Oliver mentioned credential leakage as a problem.

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