Scope of an Access Token in VCI

Issue #1698 resolved
Kristina Yasuda created an issue

The Wallet sends one Credential Request per individual Credential to the Credential Endpoint. The wallet MAY use the same access token to send multiple Credential Requests to request issuance of

  • multiple Credentials of different types bound to the same proof, or

  • multiple Credentials of the same type bound to different proofs

given changes in PR #240, I think this might be too narrow of a scope/use-cases for Credential Endpoint (and Batch one too)?

Probably we need to clarify how multiple formats come into play? ie different types bound to the same proof are still same format, while the original ask was for multiple formats, same type, different proofs

I wonder if it is clearer to say key types instead of proof. ie can one use the same proof across multiple credential formats?

(cc @Torsten Lodderstedt )

Comments (3)

  1. Michael Jones

    We looked at this on the 31-Oct-22 working group call. It probably needs discussion on a SIOP special topic call.

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