define user identifier when proof is signed using JWK

Issue #1720 resolved
Kristina Yasuda created an issue

should be jwk thumbprint uri

Comments (7)

  1. Kristina Yasuda reporter

    I think the question is

    • how does the Issuer know what to use as user identifier? e.g. what goes into sub Claim of an issued VC

    and I think we need change iss to be the the user identifier (same logic as Self-Issued ID Token) and make a separate parameter for client_id if we need it.

    in the spec, here, we have 2 examples

      "alg": "ES256",
      "iss": "s6BhdRkqt3",
      "aud": "",
      "iat": 1659145924,
      "nonce": "tZignsnFbp"

    In this one, a) we need to provide guidance what goes into sub Claim of an issued VC; and b) the current design does not account for relative DID URLs where kid is only #keys-1, because actual DID to which the fragment gets appended has to be in the JWT body (maybe time to get back to PR #293 )

      "alg": "ES256",
      "x5c":[<key certificate + certificate chain for attestation>]
      "iss": "s6BhdRkqt3",
      "aud": "",
      "iat": 1659145924,
      "nonce": "tZignsnFbp"

    In this one, a) we need to provide guidance what goes into sub Claim of an issued VC - I think it should be JWK thumbprint URI

  2. Kristina Yasuda reporter

    discussed at Nov-10-2022 SIOP call - people asked to elaborate, which I did (cc Oliver)

  3. Kristina Yasuda reporter

    this is for a proof of possession of a DID, not a VC, but for namespacing purpose, should still be a URI?

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