[Federation] Explicit client registration: Clarify setting of authority_hints by OP in registration statement

Issue #1756 resolved
Vladimir Dzhuvinov created an issue

At present (draft 25) the explicit client registration text defers to the entity statement definition on how the authority_hints is to be set. In the context of an explicit client registration response it is sufficient to set the authority_hints to the immediate superior entity in the resolved trust chain (to save effort for the RP).


(pt 5)

Comments (5)

  1. Giuseppe De Marco

    We have read this issue during the editor’s c all on 13 Jan 2023, and we need more clarification on this issue and how a PR may come to resolve it. Do you have a proposal to share here in this thread @Vladimir Dzhuvinov ?

  2. Michael Jones

    We talked about this again during the 20-Jan-23 Federation Editors' call. At this point, we’re waiting on a concrete proposal for how to resolve this issue.

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