DPoP and acceptance tokens

Issue #1808 resolved
Oliver Terbu created an issue

Some people might want to use DPoP with OpenID for Credential Issuance. In case a client used a DPoP key with the token endpoint to get an access token for the credential endpoint that results in an acceptance token, is the client expected to use the same DPoP key with the deferred credential endpoint (and the acceptance token) since the acceptance token is also sent as a bearer token in the authorization header?

Comments (17)

  1. Oliver Terbu reporter

    IMO, the client must use the same DPoP key. For that reason, it might be worth rephrasing the current spec text that defines the `acceptance_token`.

    The current spec says:

    acceptance_token: OPTIONAL. A JSON string containing a token subsequently used to obtain a Credential. MUST be present when credential is not returned.

    I’d suggest to change the text, so that the `acceptance_token` becomes an Access Token for the deferred credential endpoint, so that it is compatible with the DPoP text. Are there any concerns with that?

  2. Oliver Terbu reporter

    Alternatively, we could say that the acceptance_token becomes A new Access Token for all subsequent requests (including refresh) but then we would need to change more parts of the specification.

  3. Oliver Terbu reporter

    Alternatively, the client would still send the orginal access token and would send the acceptance token in the payload as a request parameter.

  4. Nikos Fotiou

    I agree that the client must use the same DPoP key, otherwise we may end up in a downgrade attack. In addition to what Oliver says, IMHO it should be mentioned something like “if an access token is bound to a public key, e.g, using a mechanisms described in Section 6 of https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-dpop , then the acceptance_token MUST also be bound to the same key”.

  5. Kristina Yasuda

    Binding Acceptance token to the same DPoP key as Access Token (approach A) is I think the simplest approach and I agree with the text proposed by Nikos.

    Using `acceptance_token`as an Access Token for the deferred credential endpoint (approach B) does not really make sense to me it might add significant complexity..

    @Daniel Fett Are there any possible security concerns with either of the approacheds?

  6. Torsten Lodderstedt

    I suggest to change the endpoint to use access tokens and turn the acceptance token into a ' transaction_id`. That way DPoP could be used to protect the deferred issuance as well. Here is an example:

    POST /credential_deferred HTTP/1.1
    Host: server.example.com
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Authorization: BEARER czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW

  7. Kristina Yasuda

    Assuming definition of acceptance_token and a transaction_id is the same, is the rationale of renaming to clarify its function?

  8. Kristina Yasuda

    to change the endpoint to use access tokens

    actually, if we do this, I would like to merge deferred endpoint functionality into the credential endpoint. Credential endpoint already supports access tokens.

  9. Kristina Yasuda

    Having read the security analysis PR, I am in strong favor of merging the deferred endpoint functionality into Credential/Batch Endpoints to decrease attack surface (mix-up attacks).

  10. Kristina Yasuda

    this part in the security analysis.

    **ATTACK**: An attacker can configure Mix-Up 1a. The attacker receives

    an acceptance token from the Wallet's request to the deferred credential

    endpoint and uses it to obtain a credential from the deferred

    credential endpoint of the honest server. *Potential solution:* The

    credential endpoint and batch credential endpoint can only be accessed

    by using an access token. Can DPoP or MTLS be enforced for an acceptance

    token? Better to use access token instead.

    Mix-up 1a being :

    • `credential_issuer`: Attacker's Credential Issuer Identifier

    • `authorization_server`: Honest Issuer's Authorization Server

    • `credential_endpoint` Honest Issuer's Authorization Server

    • `batch_credential_endpoint`: Honest Issuer's Authorization Server

    • `deferred_credential_endpoint`: attacker-controlled.

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