OpenID4VP: typos in draft 15

Issue #1812 resolved
Takahiko Kawasaki created an issue

3. Overview, the 6th paragraph


3. Overview, the 7th paragraph

can be build → can be built

5. Authorization Request, client_metadata_uri

The request_uri value → The value

8.1. Additional Wallet Metadata parameters, the title

parameters → Parameters

8.1. Additional Wallet Metadata parameters, the 2nd paragraph

Should be removed as it seems redudant.

8.1. Additional Wallet Metadata parameters, presentation_definition_uri_supported

whether the Verifier supports → whether the Wallet supports

8.1. Additional Wallet Metadata parameters, vp_formats_supported

format identifiers values → format identifier values

8.2. Obtaining Wallet’s Metadata, the 1st paragraph

obtain AS’s metadata → obtain Wallet’s metadata

8.2. Obtaining Wallet’s Metadata, the 1st bullet

e.g using → e.g. using

9.2. Obtaining Verifier’s Metadata, the 1st paragraph

AS utilizing this specification have → Wallet utilizing this specification has

9.2. Obtaining Verifier’s Metadata, the 1st bullet

e.g using → e.g. using

9.2.1. Pre-Registered Verifier, the 1st paragraph

e.g using → e.g. using

9.2.1. Pre-Registered Verifier, the DCR example

client_id → Should be removed.

response_types → The value should be a JSON array.

grant_types → The value should be a JSON array. Decentralized Identifiers, the request example

redirect_uris, client_name, application_type and response_types should be moved to under client_metadata.

The value of response_types should be a JSON array.

10.2. Support for Federations/Trust Schemes, the 6th paragraph

entity id → entity ID (twice)

10.2. Support for Federations/Trust Schemes, the last paragraph

will chose → will choose

11.2. Preventing Replay Attacks, the 1st VP example

The content of the @context array is malformed.

11.4. Fetching Presentation Definitions by Reference, the 1st paragraph

fetching presentation_definitions → fetching Presentation Definitions

Appendix A. Examples, the 1st paragraph

extensions points → extension points

A.1.1.1. Example Credential

an JWT-based → a JWT-based

A.1.1.2. Presentation Request, the 2nd paragraph

It’s content is is given → Its content is given

A.1.1.2. Presentation Request, the last paragraph

a single input_descriptor → a single input descriptor

A.1.1.3. Presentation Response, the 1st paragraph

look like → looks like

A.1.2.1. Presentation Request, the 2nd paragraph

It’s content is is given → Its content is given

A.1.2.1. Presentation Request, the last paragraph

a single input_descriptor → a single input descriptor

of type IDCardCredential → of type IDCredential

A.1.2.2. Presentation Response, the 1st paragraph

look like → looks like

A.2. AnonCreds, the 3rd paragraph

identifire → identifier

A.2.1. Example Credential, the last paragraph

actual End-user claims → actual End-User claims or actual end-user claims

A.2.2.1. Request Example, the 3rd paragraph

The format object of the input_descriptor → The format object of the input descriptor

Camenisch-Lysyanskaya siganture → Camenisch-Lysyanskaya signature

A.2.2.2. Request Example with Selective Release of Claims, the last paragraph

the respective claim → the respective claims

A.2.3. Presentation Response, the 1st paragraph

the same as fot the other examples → the same as for the other examples

A.2.3. Presentation Response, the presentation_submission example


A.2.3. Presentation Response, the 4th paragraph

the input descriptor ref2 → the input descriptor id_credential

using nested_path parameter → using path_nested parameter

underneath requested_proof.revealed_attr_groups.ref2 → underneath requested_proof.revealed_attr_groups.id_credential

A.3.1. Presentation Request, the 3rd paragraph

the format parameter of the input_descriptor → the format parameter of the input descriptor

of a mDL → of an mDL

A.3.2. Presentation Response, the 4th paragraph

nested_path parameter → path_nested parameter (twice)

A.3.2. Presentation Response, the 5th paragraph

vp_tokenparameter → vp_token parameter

A.3.2. Presentation Response, the 6th paragraph

the deviceKey the belongs to → the deviceKey that belongs to

A.3.2. Presentation Response, the 9th paragraph

reveal to teh Verifier → reveal to the Verifier

A.4.1. Request, the 2nd bullet

a OpenID Connect request → an OpenID Connect request

HTTP headers in some examples

Should be aligned properly.

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