[Federation] metadata policy - relying party, claim "scope"

Issue #1837 resolved
Giuseppe De Marco created an issue

In the RP’s metadata the claim “scope” is defined in https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7591, Section 2 Client Metadata, as `String containing a space-separated list of scope values (as described in Section 3.3 of OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749])`

the best way to define a policy on the RP’s allowed claims is not defining a string but, instead, as it is an array of strings, as defined below:

      "scope": {
        "superset_of": ["openid"],
        "subset_of": ["openid", "offline_access"]

Unfortunately this strategy may create an exception in the implementation that cannot apply array operators to a string value (scope).

do we have to specify a special implementation indication for this single claim (and for all those that expose a space-separated list of strings as a single string ), or do we have some alternative?

Comments (8)

  1. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Good catch.

    Would you post a link to the Python impl that you both have for this? To inform our decision how to approach this.

    BTW we also have the OP metadata scopes_supported, using the same format.

    Some brainstorming here:

    How about defining a new op, e.g. split_string , to signal that the string must be split for the check?

    "scope": {
            "split_string": true,
            "superset_of": ["openid"],
            "subset_of": ["openid", "offline_access"]

  2. Giuseppe De Marco reporter
    1. Python impl: we just don’t have the exception because the metadata_policy doesn’t set it as a voluntary claim ^_^'
    2. split_string is a good proposal, will it work only for the scope claim? Do we have another parameter that acts like the RP’s scope claim?

  3. Giuseppe De Marco reporter

    note also that, in OIDC dynamic client registration we don’t have any explicit definition of the parameter scopes

    at the same time in OIDC Discovery the claim scopes_supported is, instead, a JSON Array

    if we don’t have any proposal or any better alternative, it seems that adding “split_string”, and apparently for this claim only (scope), is the best solution

  4. Vladimir Dzhuvinov

    Oh, true, the OP metadata scopes is a JSON array, what a mess 😁

    The client metadata scopes comes from the more general OAuth 2.0 spec:


    String containing a space-separated list of scope values (as
    described in Section 3.3 of OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749]) that the client
    can use when requesting access tokens. The semantics of values in
    this list are service specific. If omitted, an authorization
    server MAY register a client with a default set of scopes.

    I +1 the split string approach. This is explicit and will not require a “hack”.

    The split string must not affect the metadata parameter that gets output by the combined policy, because it will break the client metadata. Hence a split_string_for_check sounds like a more precise name, but it’s longer. What do you think about the naming?

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