[pending close] OpenID4VCI nonce reuse and batch credential request

Issue #1842 closed
Pedro Felix created an issue
  1. Should the c_nonce used on the credential request proof be a one-time use value (as the nonce name seems to suggest) or can it be used more than once? I didn’t found any information or guidance about this on the VCI specification.
  2. If the c_nonce is a one-time use value, then can't that create a problem for batch credential requests, which need to contain multiple proofs? There doesn’t seem to be a way for a client/wallet to get more than one nonce to use on a batch credential request.

Comments (7)

  1. Oliver Terbu

    We discussed 2. and I believe the answer was that the same c_nonce can be used for all PoP in the same batch credential request if I remember correctly. However, having some guidance on nonce management would definitely be beneficial.

  2. Torsten Lodderstedt

    Thanks for raising this topic.

    The verifier MUST use a nonce value provided by AS or CI as long as the CI does not provide a fresh value. Section 6.2. states: “When received, the Wallet MUST use this nonce value for its subsequent credential requests until the Credential Issuer provides a fresh nonce.“. Section 7.3. states “When received, the Wallet MUST use this nonce value for its subsequent credential requests until the Credential Issuer provides a fresh nonce.”

    We defined this behavior especially to prevent any issues with batch credential issuance.

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