[OID4VCI] align credential format identifiers with media types

Issue #1960 resolved
Takahiko Kawasaki created an issue

How about changing the following credential format identifiers:

  • jwt_vc_json
  • jwt_vc_json-ld

to media types like below?

  • vc+jwt
  • vc+ld+jwt


Likewise, I feel that SD-JWT based VC should be given the format identifier vc+sd+jwt (instead of vc+sd_jwt).

Comments (4)

  1. Kristina Yasuda

    good point. I am in general in support of moving towards using media types like you are suggesting.

    Based on the development of SD-JWT-based Verifiable Credentials (SD-JWT VC) (vcstuff.github.io), I think jwt_vc_json 's identifier would be vc+sd-jwt too.

    We had a lengthy discussion at the last IETF and we agreed that `+sd-jwt` is more suitable because the point of having +sd-jwt is to clearly differentiate processing rules etc from +jwt.

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