Checks in Section 11.2

Issue #1988 resolved
Fabian Hauck created an issue

The Verifiable Credential Issuance spec says in section 11.2 that certain checks should be performed upon receipt of a credential offer. Since there is no list of checks and no reference to another section, I was wondering what kind of checks a wallet could do without knowing anything about the credential offer?

Comments (5)

  1. Kristina Yasuda

    The Wallet MUST apply the same checks on the Credential Issuer that it would apply when the flow is started from the Wallet itself since the Credential Issuer is not trustworthy just because it sent the Credential Offer.

    is this the text you are referring to? I think it is pretty clear that “checks are on the Credential Issuer” - getting Issuer metadata, checking if the Issuer is a trusted issuer or not, etc.

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