Information ordering

Issue #2000 resolved
Roland Hedberg created an issue

I’m trying to understand the specification by implementing it.

One of the things I’ve stumbled over so far it the fact that some message (request/response) are defined in general terms in an initial section and then expanded on in the Appendix.

I’d rather have both the general och the specific in the same section. Makes it easier to implement one message type a time.

Comments (4)

  1. Roland Hedberg reporter

    Take for example Credential Request where the basic format is defined in section 7.2 and the elaborated on in Appendix E.

    Section 7.2 is also interesting in that it refers back to itself.

  2. Kristina Yasuda

    this is because specification’s philosophy is to support any credential format and therefore has the concept of “credential formats“. I understand this makes it harder to read, but I don’t think having credential format specific sections in the main body (as opposed to the appendix) is an option..

    section referring back to itself should be fixed.

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