Unclear definition of value

Issue #2040 resolved
Roland Hedberg created an issue

In E.1.2.2 Credential Issuer Metadata credentialSubject (why not credential_subject ?) is defined to be a JSON object containing a list of name/value pairs. The value in this claim is defined as:

The value MAY be a dictionary, which enables represention of the full (potentially deeply nested) structure of the verifiable credential to be issued. The value is a JSON object detailing the specifics about the support for the claim with a following non-exhaustive list of parameters that MAY be included:

I’m sorry but I’m unable to parse this paragraph into something I can implement.

For instance if the value is a JSON object it may not at the same time be a dictionary.

I also don’t understand what “represention of the full (potentially deeply nested) structure of the verifiable credential” means (this apart from the spelling error).

If the first sentence is removed, the second makes sense but together they just don’t make sense.

Comments (2)

  1. Kristina Yasuda

    Thank you for the catch. it is not a dictionary, it is a JSON object. I think what was meant by a dictionary is “deeply nested structures” like this one https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-05#name-example-3-complex-structure.

    credentialSubject was inherited from W3C VCDM, and since this parameter is now credential format agnostic, it should probably be changed to credential_subject.

    I will do a PR on both of the above once we migrate to GH, but hope this unblocks your implementation for now.

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