Redirect-URI for OpenID4VCI

Issue #2048 resolved
Paul Bastian created an issue

Analogous to OpenID4VP, it might make sense to add an OPTIONAL redirect-uri parameter in the body of Credential Response (or similar to Batch/Deferred endpoints) to give the issuer the possibility to get back screen control and proceed in the UX in a same-device flow.

Comments (7)

  1. Paul Bastian reporter

    The most common scenario for this is issuer initiated issuance flows with credential offer,

    e.g. The user is on a website and the website optionally offers to issue a membership credential from the settings page, after the issuance the wallet wouldn’t know how to continue and the user would expect to continue form the settings page.

  2. Kristina Yasuda

    usually, the issuer can refresh the UI on the device where the issuance flow has started after it sends a credential response (or a callback from the wallet if PR #608 goes in). This is not possible only when it is pre-authorized code flow where credential offer is communicated using means other than a website. but since the issuer already has a way to send credential offer to a user, can it send next steps using the same channel after issuance of a first credential?

  3. Paul Bastian reporter

    exactly, in same-device flow the UX ends in the wallet screen and the user does not recognize the refreshed issuer UI unless he will switches apps which the average user might not do

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