Trust Mark Issuers

Issue #2086 closed
Roland Hedberg created an issue

In the specification it is stated that about the Entity Statement claim trust_mark_issuers:

“If the value list bound to a Trust Mark identifier is empty, anyone can issue Trust Marks with that identifier.”

Then is Section 5.3 Trust Marks this text appears:

“The fact that a Trust Mark Issuer is accepted by the federation is expressed in the trust_marks_issuers claim of the Trust Anchor.”

Obviously if these are general statements they are contradictory.

Now, also in Section 5.3, we have this line:

“Note that a federation MAY allow an Entity to self-sign some Trust Marks.”

To get ride of the contradiction of the first two statements we could replace the first statement with:

“If the value list bound to a Trust Mark identifier is empty, then that Trust Mark identifier can only be used in self-signed trust marks and any entity within the Federation can issue a Trust Marks with that identifier.”

and rewrite the second statement to be something like:

“The fact that a Trust Mark Issuer is accepted by the federation, to issue Trust Marks that are not self-signed, is expressed in the trust_marks_issuers claim of the Trust Anchor.

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