[Federation] Editorial: Be specific where the common metadata extensions apply

Issue #2130 resolved
Vladimir Dzhuvinov created an issue

Section 5.2 defines common metadata parameters for various entity types:


Several issue to note:

  • The 5.2 section title. The section applies to all Entities Types and their metadata, incl federation_entity, not only openid_* and oauth_*.
  • 5.2.1 probably needs to be more explicit, that it defines alternative JWK set representation for JWK sets in Entity metadata, not the jwks in the Entity Statement. The most recent terms should help here.
  • Move 5.2.2 up, so that it becomes 5.2.1?

Comments (4)

  1. Michael Jones

    I agree that “for OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0“ should be dropped from the section title. We might also want to consider using the term “Metadata Parameters” rather than “Metadata Extensions”.

    I’m OK keeping the title “Metadata Extensions for JWK Sets”, albeit, possibly changing it to “Metadata Parameters for JWK Sets”, per the point above.

    I would rather keep the JWK Set definitions in 5.2.1 before the Information definitions in 5.2.2, since the JWK Set definitions are more important.

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