Additional filtering options in the listing endpoint

Issue #2145 closed
Michael Fraser created an issue

One use case encountered in the Australian ecosystem has been the ability to filter the list endpoint’s contents on additional values beyond what is currently in the list endpoint. Specifically, the ability to say “give me all entities that were updated after x date” or “give me all entities that were updated between x date and y date”. This enables authorisation servers to identify changes that would result in changes to RP client metadata

This has currently been solved with a proprietary API however we feel the functionality offered through it would be valuable to all consumers of the specification

The proposal is to add two additional query parameters to the list endpoint:

OPTIONAL. An epoch value that constricts the response to include only entity identifiers who's entity statement has seen updates after the provided epoch time


OPTIONAL. An epoch value that constricts the response to include only entity identifiers who's entity statement has seen updates before the provided epoch time

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