Messages - 10.1.2 Authn Request params content outdated

Issue #24 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

parameter name is not "openid", but "display", "prompt", "nonce", "audience", "request", "request_uri".

(it used to be all in one in "openid" parameter. They were decomposed to allow Lite just to use query strings. )

Comments (4)

  1. Edmund Jay

    Should the Scope Parameters section be removed? It appears to be in OAuth.

    Should Access Token Response Parameters section be removed, since OpenID is not adding any new?

  2. hideki nara
    • changed status to open

    I can't find any section 10.1.2 in Draft 04 of Messages. Is this still problem in other section because of the spec restructuring ? Or implicitly fixed ?

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