Registration - 2.1 Client Registration Request SOAPy

Issue #470 wontfix
Nat Sakimura created an issue

type parameter seems like a verb.

I think, to be RESTful, it should really be using POST for new registration, which returns client_id etc. and PUT for update where client_id is a part of the URL.

Comments (4)

  1. Michael Jones

    We're not using PUT anywhere else in the specs. I'm reluctant to introduce it now.

    If, during review of the Implementer's Drafts, developers suggest this, I'm willing to consider it. But for now, I think using POST is simpler for developers.

    Let's leave this as-is for the Implementer's Drafts.

  2. Michael Jones

    John said that we're not creating a new web resource in the original registration, therefore POST is fine for both

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