Basic - issuer + client_id check a MUST in id_token validation

Issue #619 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

Since we are not checking sigs in Basic, we need to check it explicitly.

Comments (6)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Let's be careful to indicate that client_id and audience have different meanings in an id_token.

    The client_id is to whom the token was issued; the basic recipient MAY restrict that the client_id be always self-referential, but this will prevent it from accepting 4th party use cases such as a token issued to an affiliated mobile app. It's important to call out that the client_id restriction is optional and possibly NOT RECOMMENDED to parties that don't understand the implications for interoperability.

    The audience check (ensure that it's self-referential) is absolutely required. That's the MUST.

    I used the word self-referential (as opposed as client_id equality testing) on purpose. An application may be represented by multiple client_ids.

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